Episode 28: Announcing the Heritage Sheep Breed I have Chosen!

In this week's episode, I am so excited to announce which sheep breed I have decided to raise on our farm! During the episode, I share some of the characteristics I was looking for in a sheep breed and how I came to my decision. Also, make sure to check out the announcement video I made on my Youtube channel!

-Show Notes-

Video Announcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS2aZ_YWTq4&feature=youtu.be

Daily Mail Article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1205007/Shepherdess-bride-marries-stunning-dress-wool-flock.html


Episode 29: Shepherding and Shearing with Siri of Yankee Rock Farm


Episode 27: Purchasing Sheep Q & A